Dell Computer
Dell Computer

09 March 2006

So, I just finished rigging the Tom Joyner radio show here at the local PAC and I can't decide if I want to go home or not. In the interest of taking up space, I'll take a small bit of inspiration (read: stealing the idea) from my pal Bart, who's email this morning led to the creation of Glorymercypeacetruth, and start with a poem:

Shark's Teeth

I sat in the ocean
as meat

Something hunted for food

Oiled and Innocent
Picking up the chipped black slivers
that fall from the mouths of killers

Cetain death
that lingers beneath the waves




Blogger ilightyouup said...

Hey i've done that... touching one of the slivers now. nice work dave.

3/09/2006 11:57 PM  

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