Dell Computer
Dell Computer

22 March 2010

to joe

at last, I think I have to say
or admit
that yes, I do think of them
thinking of me

another to be afraid of no more
I'm saving all my irony for hell
apologies to wes

and then the last red drop
that clings to the edge of the glass
a hand replaced
by a beer mug and shot glass

prisms inside one another
the infinite spiraling of possibilities

a trip to the strip club
draft in a plastic cup
sitting next to jackie
waiting to go home
folding up the memory of us--v.2


If I could draw
and see that place
charcoal in hand
away from me

that place, always safe
and locked out from me and the others

but then, I suppose we all use you for something
an object, a slight expose of skin to send
down into that prepositional phase
down here now


wonder how much longer I can deny
so much a part of all the places
which are mine
a pair of shoes
card board boxes with her hand writing
kept and taped over, moved with me
a bed I finally gave away, sheets I don't sleep on anymore
emily's bed
my wedding bed and stained with caroline as well
adrian there too and amy

how will I remember my first wife
what will she become when I'm at the end of life
the end of that fear, or the fear of admitting it
if I think about her as I die


I will never forget the look on nik's face when I told her
in the harmony room
that I didn't love her anymore
and watched her walk, dazed from the upper lobby of the music building
the death of that perfect love, her small hands
wrapped in mine

21 March 2010